Hi...Welcome to speedythorpedo. I'm sure you will be very impressed by my blog. I created it by myself. Are you impressed yet? So, what would you like to know about me? I'm 5'10. I always wanted to be 6 feet tall but I'm 2 inches away and I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. I found out today that I'm really old. I thought 28 was pretty young, but I was wrong. Thanks, Julia. I am married with 2 adorable daughters. I grew up in Brasil. Yes, I am aware that in English it's spelled "Brazil" but I wrote it in Portuguese, so...
I really like sports. Soccer is my favorite, but I also enjoy tennis, volleyball, basketball, ping-pong (it is absolutely a sport). I play guitar. I really like apples. Pink Lady is my favorite. I've never owned a Mac. My dream vacation is Rio de Janeiro. I like making top 10 lists. I love my family, my friends, and my MAT buddies (I made you guys a separate category because you are my friends, but I spend time with you like we're family). I'm still annoyed that Bret Favre un-retired 12 times in the last 3 years. I'm extremely competitive and it usually is one of my least likable traits.
I'm dying to become a teacher. The wait is killing me :) I will be teaching Middle School Math. I absolutely love middle schoolers. I'm not sure why I identify with them so much, but it's my favorite age. Not that I want to relive those years! One of my greatest challenges with teaching will be to keep myself from being the students' friend.
The picture I included is me with my daughter Makenzie. She is the one hanging upside down. It was this summer at the beach. BTW, I LOVE the beach.
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